IoT Windpark Monitoring
Together with a leading global manufacturer of intelligent energy park monitoring, smart energy and supply management in the renewable energy sector, we have developed a pioneering SCADA-based monitoring and analysis tool.
The project involved the development and implementation of a scalable and powerful monitoring system for wind turbines from various manufacturers worldwide. A key challenge was to aggregate and standardize large amounts of real-time data and make it available in a comparable form. This was to enable wind turbines from a wide range of manufacturers at international locations to be made accessible to a diverse user group with different information requirements.
Our solution consists of a modular system with a front end, middle tier with business logic and back end. This enables transparent management of assets and technical information, real-time data monitoring with automated alerts and standardization of data for maintenance technicians, asset owners and investors. Personalized communication and tailored business logic enable fast and accurate monitoring, forecasting and analysis of large amounts of real-time data. Our solution provides comprehensive transparency in monitoring and enables informed decisions based on comparable data.